Monday, December 31, 2012

Isaiah 4

The third chapter of Isaiah gave us an overview of the world’s idolatry and materialism and its resulting destruction. Isaiah 4 is the counterbalance to that, telling us of the deliverance and well-being of those who follow the Lord. This has fulfillment both in ancient Israel and in the coming last days.

Verse 1
This verse properly belongs in Chapter 3. Here, so many men have died in wars that women outnumber men. I think the ratio Isaiah mentions of 7:1 is interesting, as the number 7 is significant in gospel terms (think 7 periods of creation, we must forgive 7 times 70 times). Seven indicates eternity. I’m not sure why Isaiah chose the 7:1 ratio, but it seems significant.

Verses 2-3
These verses have several layers of meaning, but one that is clear is its tree of life imagery (branch, fruit). So, in the day when the wicked are falling in war and destruction, the tree of life (gospel, covenant, temple, Christ) becomes stronger, and the covenant people are drawn to it. We see this beginning now as the lines between good and evil become clearer. I think this also has fulfillment in the number of temples being built and the increase in temple attendance.

Ultimately, those who enjoy the “fruit of the earth” that is “excellent and comely” are they who are “escaped of Israel.” So who are the escaped of Israel? Following cross references takes us to D&C 38:31. Surrounding verses also list characteristics of those who will escape the calamities Isaiah foretells. The “escaped” will
-esteem his brother as himself (v. 24)
-practice virtue and holiness (v. 24)
-esteem his brother as himself (v. 25 – again! Must be important)
-esteem his brother as himself (v. 26 – not in those words, but that’s the point)
-esteem his brother as himself (v. 27 – again, not in those words, but that’s the point)
-treasure up wisdom (v. 30)
-be without spot and blameless (v. 31).
It looks like that Second Great Commandment is pretty important. I suspect that being a member of a church is not sufficient. Simply being baptized isn’t enough. Regularly attending church isn’t enough. Instead, the condition of one’s heart is key. To “esteem” someone as oneself indicates both how we feel about others and how we treat them. It is both a state of heart/mind and an act. We can’t just feel sorry for someone but do nothing to help. We can’t simply do acts of charity because we think it will somehow get us into heaven, but not really care for the other person’s well-being or respect them as a child of God. Charity can't be done with a sense of grudging obligation. We actually have to care about – love – others as much as we care about ourselves. This is what the escaped will do.

Further, those who escape coming calamities will practice virtue and holiness. The word practice shows that this is more than a statement of belief – it is a way of life. And virtue and holiness mean more than avoiding obvious sins. Can someone be virtuous, holy, and judgmental? Or virtuous, holy, and gossipy? Or virtuous, holy, and cheats/cuts corners in business? Or virtuous, holy, and unforgiving?

That’s a high bar, and I am guilty as charged. How then, can we be “without spot and blameless”? For the “spotless” part, Alma 5 has the answer (especially verses 21 and 27). See also Alma 7:25. Because Christ shed His blood, He has power to cleanse us from the blood and sins we have on our hands. This is done through the repentance process and through covenant making (temple ordinances make reference to this).

“Blameless” indicates both that we have done our best to remain without spot, and that we have not injured others (who could then blame us). This again goes back to the point of esteeming our neighbors as ourselves. If we neither insult nor injure (or repent and repair when we do), then who will be able to blame us? Will we have any accusers at the last day?

Finally, the escaped of Israel will “treasure up wisdom.” In the ancient understanding, treasuring up wisdom meant to make temple covenants and receive saving knowledge from the Lord. From Margaret Barker:
Enoch himself sees the secrets of heaven, how the kingdoms are divided and the actions of men weighed. The spirit of wisdom is in the Elect One who stands in the presence of God. A component of this wisdom is the name of the Son of Man, which we have assumed to be the revelation of his identity. It could easily be read as the revelation of a name, in the magical sense of a power-giving invocation, such as we find in 69.14 as the key to the cosmic oath…. The name was used before the creation, and it saved the righteous. At the close of the passage dealing with the power of the cosmic oath, there is great joy because the name of the Son of Man is revealed. (Margaret Barker, The Older Testament, 31).
So, to sum, the “escaped of Israel” will love others as themselves, will avoid and repent of sin, and will make and keep covenants. They will be completely converted to the Lord, heart, might, mind and strength.

Verse 4
Remember from the discussion of Chapter 3 that “daughters of Zion” refers not just to women, but to all of the Lord’s covenant people. So, some of the Lord’s covenant people are wicked, and the Lord will “wash away the filth” and “purge the blood” by judgment and burning. This reminds me of the parable of the ten virgins. They were all waiting for the bridegroom, they were all the Lord’s covenant people. Yet, some were unprepared. They did not have the oil in their lamps (oil symbolizing having a testimony of Christ, a covenant anointing, and being filled with the light of the Holy Spirit). Thus, they were cast out. Again, membership in a church, even regular church attendance, or acts of charity alone are not enough.

Verses 5-6
These verses describe where the escaped of Israel will be at the dawn of the millennial age. “Mount Zion” refers to a temple, and “upon every dwelling place” indicates that there will be multiple places with multiple temples where the escaped will gather. There will be some sort of cloud or light that rests on these places, and it will apparently be bright enough that it will induce fear in the unrighteous and protect the righteous from the calamities going on around them. 

Precisely what this cloud/light will be is interesting. The ancient Israelites had a cloud/pillar of light with them in the wilderness. Deuteronomy 1:33 and Exodus 13:21 say that the Lord was in the cloud. Deuteronomy 4:4-5 also says that the Lord was in the fire. This pillar/cloud of light/fire seems to be the visible emanation of God’s glory. It also seems to be a veil that shields the unprepared from entering the Lord’s presence. Moses tried to prepare his people to enter, but they, like the five foolish virgins, were unwilling, afraid, and faithless (D&C 84:23-24). There’s a lot more that could be said about this, but for now I’ll just recommend reviewing these verses: God, Presence of.

With such a short chapter I thought this would be a short entry. Time to go feed my kids!

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