Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Isaiah 2

The second chapter of Isaiah continues the theme of the first chapter – it’s a clarion call to reject the ways of the world and turn fully to the Lord. This chapter also includes prophecies touching on the last days and the millennial days.

Verses 1-3

These verses look forward to a renewed temple, in contrast to the corrupt temple Isaiah talked about in chapter 1. That temple was full of sacrifice and ritual, but precious little commitment of heart. Isaiah is looking toward a new temple where the covenant (law) is taught and practiced. This temple is the mountain of the Lord. Historically, mountains were essentially temples, or places where man encountered God (think Moses on Sinai).

When the temple is restored and the ancient Abrahamic covenant renewed, people of all nations will go to the temple to be taught how to follow the Lord and walk in the path that leads back to His presence. This is precisely what happens in modern LDS temples. We make covenants and learn to walk in the Lord’s ways so that we can return to His presence. 

We tend to think that the Salt Lake City temple fulfills this prophecy of a restored temple because it sits in the Rocky Mountains and these verses refer to a temple established in the top of the mountains. I believe that the Salt Lake temple partially fulfills this prophecy, but the prophecy itself is broader – it includes all temples where the everlasting covenant is being renewed, including the temple to be rebuilt someday in Jerusalem.

The renewing of this covenant is preparation for the millennium when Christ will reign, which leads us to the next verse.

Verse 4
This verse gives us a glimpse into what life will be like during the millennium. First, the Lord will judge, and this appears to be a preliminary judgment, before the final judgment day. I don’t know what the “dividing line” will be, but I suspect that those who are inclined to create rather than destroy will be welcome residents during the millennium. That’s because…

The famous words “beat swords into plowshares” and “spears into pruninghooks” indicate that tools of destruction will become tools of creation. Those who live during this time will be creators and will be at peace with others. I think the more we can become creators and peacemakers here and now, the better off we’ll be. This begs the question of what we should be creating and making peace with, but I’ll have to set that aside for now.

Verse 5
All of Isaiah is beautiful, poignant, and instructive, but if all we had was verse 5, we’d be in good shape. This is a call to walk in the light of the Lord. When we decide to walk in the light of the Lord, we are turning from sin, submitting to Lord, and partaking of His wisdom. There’s a lot packed into the concept of the Lord’s light, but I’ll have to set that aside for now as well.

Verses 6-22
In these verses, Isaiah calls us to leave behind worldly ways, and implies his main point again that we should enter into the light of the Lord. The “worldly ways” Isaiah mentions include love of money, materialism, worldly accolades (“worship the work of their own hands”), and pride (believing we have everything figured out, have nothing to learn, and are of more worth or smarter than other people).

Also, when it comes to idolatry, which Isaiah mentions often, I don’t think we should limit the definition to kneeling before a golden calf. Idolatry is anything we spend an inordinate amount of time and effort on that detracts from our fulfillment of God’s purposes. 

I’m not saying we shouldn’t have hobbies or other pursuits, but maybe we should just evaluate our priorities. If we’re spending a couple hours a day on a hobby, sport, work, housecleaning, social networking etc., but can’t spare 10 minutes in prayer and studying the word of God, then where are our hearts? What are we really worshipping? All of these activities can be good and uplifting, but pursuing them to the exclusion of more important matters… well, you’ll have to evaluate that for yourself. Finding God is not difficult or time consuming, but we have to make space for Him and invite Him in by clearing some time and “mind space.” If our time is filled, our minds preoccupied, and our desires elsewhere, how can we expect to commune with God?

-v. 13-15: I believe the language Isaiah uses here (cedars of Lebanon, oaks of Bashan, high mountains, hills lifted up, high tower, and fenced wall) are references to temples, in this case, the sort of false temple that Isaiah talked about in Chapter 1.

-v. 16: Interesting footnote in this verse: “The Greek (Septuagint) version has one phrase that the Hebrew does not, and the Hebrew has one phrase that the Greek does not; but 2 Nephi 12:16 has both.” There is a bit of controversy here, but I believe the evidence is in favor of this lending credence to the Book of Mormon. See http://maxwellinstitute.byu.edu/publications/jbms/?vol=14&num=2&id=374 and http://www.jefflindsay.com/LDSFAQ/2nephi12.shtml

-v. 22: This reiterates the point of turning away from man and worldliness. Man’s “breath is in his nostrils,” things of this world are temporary and cannot save.

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